Thursday, December 20, 2018


2K has spent the week using Legos to make robots! It's a great activity for problem solving and teamwork. Students worked together to make robots that perform various functions.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

As we finished up our pilgrim unit in social studies, we used what we had learned to create a pilgrim village. With the help of Mrs. Moore, 2K worked together to make a fort, a common house, homes, gardens, corn, cranberry bogs, and more! In 2K we are thankful for all our families for supporting us, loving us, and helping us be the best we can be!

The finished product!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Time for Celebration!

2K students earned their first SOAR celebration by earning 100 SOAR tickets! This means that teachers noticed that they followed the school-wide expectations of Control Your Body, Control Your Voice, and Do Your Work. For the celebration, the students voted to have an extra recess. We had so much fun! It was a wonderful way to celebrate!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Map Exploration

One of our first activities in our maps unit was to look at an image set of all different types of maps. We talked about what we noticed, what features of the maps were the same and which were different, as well as what our maps showed.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Measurement Olympics

Since the Winter Olympics only come around every four years, we took advantage of the occasion and learned about some Winter Olympic events! We then used what we've learned about standard measurement to try out our skills at ski jumping, curling, speed skating, ice hockey, and luge.